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Retailers, begin easy electronic payments for your orders upon delivery using Fintech EFT service.
Click on images to sign up.
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) for Beer, Wine and Mixed Spirit Drink Purchases Will Be Required as of March 31, 2023 - Please Sign Up for EFT With Your Wholesaler CLICK HERE for full message from MLCC
Effective March 31, 2023, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) will be the required method of payment for beer, wine, and mixed spirit drink purchases made by retailer liquor licensees.
This new requirement is contained in Administrative Order 2023-01 - Payment for Beer, Wine and Mixed Spirit Drink by Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) - that was signed by MLCC Commissioners on January 19, 2023.
Many retailer licensees already use EFT for their beer, wine, and mixed spirit drink purchases. If you are already paying through EFT for these products, you do not need to sign up again.
Sign up now! Don’t Wait! Registering with our chosen partner FINTECH may take up to 10 Business Days to complete.
CLICK HERE to sign up today - activation date should be NO LATER than 10/17/23 to avoid disruption in delivery.